pepperoni skewers on bear pick
bear shaped cheddar cheese
in a bear muffin cup
Kind of makes you feel all warm and fuzzy!!!

These are my new bear muffin cups. I saw these online and found then at Hobby Lobby and was happy to use a 40% off coupon. I've only seen these and a set of pink and yellow flower cups...we'll I'm a boy mom, so I thought these bears would be happy in our house of little bears. I can even use them for birthday cupcakes or Christmas brownies...big brown tummied bears...how cute!!!

He is still enjoying his bento lunches and usually eats everything in the box.
Homemade pepperoni & apple cheese crackers
extra sharp cheddar cheese squares and mini forks
fruit skewers
fig newtons
blue berry container of m&ms

Thanks for the kind comment on my shopping incident.
We have the bear cups too and they've been a lot of fun. Love that snack cup!
We've just recently bought some bento supplies from ebay, and are looking forward to trying them out!
You're welcome. It seems like a lot of stuff is very girly, so I was happy to find the bear cups!
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