Tuesday, January 19, 2010

because I'm 3 months old!!!

I just have to say...look at those eyelashes...long and gorgeous like my brother's!!!
Neither of my boys got jipped on their eyelashes...

Andrew is so sweet and such a gentle little man. He has given me a lot of grace this week as I have mourned the death of my uncle...my dad's youngest brother and the first of either of my parents' siblings to pass away. It's been hard watching my dad mourn...I hate that part about death. I know that he is in heaven with his Maker, but it does make it sad for those he left behind.
Andrew got to meet his Aunt Sue last week when we went to the hospital to see my uncle before he passed away. He is such a happy baby...I think he gave her a little much needed sunshine on a very dark day.


Jessica Kok said...

I could have sworn that I was looking at Adrian in those pictures! Andrew is a total doll. I love the recognition that he showed grace to you during a rough time. God is good!

Meredith said...

thanks! I agree! love how your kitchen is coming together...

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