Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Swimming Snack and How to make Lego picks

 Today, my boys have swim lessons after Adrian gets home from school. I packed small snacks in their Goodbyn small meal boxes to hold them over til dinner. They each have an Organic Z bar, craisins in the little dipper, veggie straws and a clementine. I used frog cups I found years ago at my local grocery and  green pick...which is actually a bunny, but I like all the green:)

This is yesterday's lunch for Andrew. He starts pre-k next week, but really liked his brother's Star Wars lunch, so we made one for him to eat at home. This child rarely eats bread, so it's a ham roll up tucked in an Angry Bird ring, cut up cheese stars and moons. In the top, he has a clementine with a light saber pick and carrot sticks in his little dipper.
Today, I packed a Lego lunch for Adrian to take to school. It was just a simple pb&j cut in a rectangle with two circles of cheese on top to look like a Lego brick. I can't remember which blog I saw these on, but I was ready to create these Lego picks for his lunch.
These picks were originally hearts from Dollar Tree. They came in a pack of 100, so I had plenty to use.
I just simply broke off the heart and hot glued the pick into the Lego. Easy Peasy!! 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

First Day of School for my BIG first grader

My big first grader asked me for a Star Wars lunch for the first day of first grade! It's filled with applesauce (covered with a cupcake liner), orange crescent moons in a star cup, half a ham and cheese sandwich topped with stars and a rocket ship. Right next door is a handful of goldfish topped with a few cheesy moons. The cut up cheese is inside the sandwich=no waste!
In the bottom section is some cut up peaches with a light saber pick. 

If you have any extra cupcake liners hiding away, get them out! It's that easy!
Enjoy, sweet Adrian! I hope you have the best school year yet!
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