Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fig jam tablescape

 I set a table for one, while my boys were eating and getting ready for swim lessons. 
Toast with fig jam. 
I used my favorites
Runner from World Market
Rattan Charger from Walmart
JB Denmark Blue plate
Wallace Antique Bead Stainless
my grandmother's silver butter knife
water glass from Target
PB Wine stem for juice
Napkin from Target clearance
napkin ring from my mom's stash

Fig preserves are just figs cooked down with sugar and canned. It's an easy process with amazing results. For half my batch, I added two fresh jalapenos to the food processor. It's so good and I have Christmas and teacher gifts already in my pantry!
Here's my garden...I live in South Texas, so it's hot. I've been asked how my garden grows so well...grow native. Most of my plants are Texas natives and drought resistant.  
 Purple Grass
 Texas Sage 
 Autumn Sage
And if you have a garden, plant herbs!!!
My mint is flowering

 Chives, Lavender, Thyme, Parsley

I'm joining 


  1. Oh yeah I recognize those plants.. I have them too. I am going more and more native. It's just easier in the long run. That breakfast set up is so cheery and perfect. I love the colors and your dishes just make be smile each time I see them. be blessed, xo marlis

  2. You had me with blue and white china and fig preserves! Two of my favorite things!

  3. That Texas sage looks kind of like something I plant here called Mexican Heather. I can't tell if it's the same or not. The Mexican Heather is totally drought resistant which has been a VERY good thing for us this year!!! We finally got some rain yesterday in this area after nearly TWO MONTHS without any! Our water bills...I don't even wanna talk about it!!! :-) I have never made any kind of jam before. I'm guessing that you just scrape the fig stuff out into a pot? I've never had fig except for in Fig Newtons! :-) Very sweet table for one, Miss Meredith! This would be a great way to treat yourself! Have a fun weekend!!!

    1. I have Mexican Heather too. Love it, but not the same. For fig jam, cut the stem off the figs and put them in a soup pot whole with a cup of sugar. It will cook down after 45 minutes or so, then puree it in a food processor and can it.

  4. Very pretty plants, good that they are drought resistant! Here we have to find things the deer won't eat. Last week they ate my roses and hosta!
    Fig jam sounds good, and great you are ahead on the shopping!
    Thanks for linking to Let's DIsh!

  5. I was just in Texas this month, and I have a new appreciation of how hot it gets down there. I think you are right on the money with your gardening. I'm glad to see you set such an appealing table for yourself. Sometimes, we forget to treat ourselves. Nice!

  6. What a very inviting place setting! The blue and white plate is SO pretty! Your plants look very happy. I guess because they are thriving and not struggling, like mine!

  7. This looks like a wonderful way to start off the day!


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