Friday, February 5, 2010

the things I think about these days...

Wow...these days...what do I think's 7:38 pm and I've 'fed' Andrew three times in the last half hour. He is a very interesting baby...rather easy, but still has his needy moments, especially at night. I tried a bottle of breastmilk the other day and think I waited too long to give him a bottle, he spit, gagged and just about threw it on the floor...what is this plastic thing you put in my mouth, Mommy???

I do often think about when I will have a moment to myself...when will I be in the bathroom completely alone and uninterrupted:)...when will my drink be just mine and not taken away from me once I'm enjoying it:)...

I wonder when I will get to sleep late...or just sleep for 5 hours straight for that matter! Just when my toddler was consistently sleeping 10-11 hours through the night, I have a baby...and more sleep...I'm not one to sleep while others in my house are awake, so I can only sleep when EVERYONE is this Mommy has been pretty tired the last 3 1/2 months. Adrian usually takes an afternoon nap...but it ranges from one hour to Mommy's naptime is rather inconsistent.

And then I think about how much I will miss these moments when my little boys are big and don't want to spend so much time with Mommy anymore...


  1. Let's see.... I think it was when you got your driver's license that I finally had some time just for me! As for sleeping, well, that never happens, even when you're a grandma. So just treasure your moments with your boys and let the rest of it happen when it happens.


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