Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Picnic Style Dinner

 It's so, so hot here...as in it got up to 103 the other day, and has lingered around 98. ugh. So our Summer Picnic Dinner is taking place inside where it's a cool 74 degrees!
I used some Melamine plates I got years ago from World Market with a birthday coupon. I used mix and match Mexican Cobalt glasses and added the straws since my boys were eating this meal:)
A knife and fork to cut the grilled sausages and a tan floral napkin to compliment the colors in the runner. The napkins are one of my clearance Target purchases. 
I used my rattan chargers from Walmart and my Tested By Fire handmade pottery serving dishes. I love mixing things since I don't have the full set. 
The centerpiece is a beautiful bowl (World Market) of garden fresh vegetables.
We ate 
Grilled Sausages 
Summer Salad
Grilled Corn
Fresh Salsa & Chips 
 The Perfect Summer Salad
Since not everyone loves tomatoes and cucumbers and feta, 
I separate them.
Just squeeze a half a lime, salt and pepper and enjoy! 
 Fresh Garden Salsa
Serranos and Jalapenos
5 Garlic gloves
Juice of 4-5 limes

Put everything in your food processor and pulse. To make one large mason jar, I used about 8 Roma tomatoes and 4 peppers. Eat within a week. 

 I'm joining


  1. The food is a gorgeous centerpiece...wow!...what a feast. The runner ties it all together so well. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  2. Hi, Meredith. Your indoor picnic looks delicious! I would most definitely enjoy it more at 74 degrees than at 100+. I love your mix-and-match; it makes for a very inviting casual dinner.

    Happy Father's Day to your hubby. I hope you're all doing well and have a wonderful Summer!

  3. What a fun indoor picnic! Your plates are so pretty and all of your food looks delish!!

    Thank You for sharing and have a wonderful night!!

    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  4. yep way way tooo hot to be outside. I love the pretty runner. And your pottery - oh my it's a weakness of mine. love yours a lot. And your glasses and the napkins.. oh it's just all wonderful and makes me want to do this this week as I'm NOT eating outside.. have a great week, xo marlis

  5. This is lovely. Love a picnic!

  6. What? Not everyone loves tomatoes and cucumbers and feta? Well, I learn something new every day...

    I love every single thing about this table from the setting to the food to the decision to eat inside. We're already scorching here too.

  7. I am so sorry it is so danged hot you cannot dine outdoors...but your tablescape looks very colourful, fresh and delish - everything there to make the perfect combination of yummy dining delights!

  8. I just love your Picnic Table and with 103 degrees, I would bring it inside too. It looks like a great time! Hope you have a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  9. My favorite blue/green combo! The salsa looks delish, Meredith!

  10. Phew! That is hot! I hope you have central air, I would roast. Dinner looks good and your indoor picnic table is delightful!
    Thanks for linking to Let's Dish!
    Your cookies look great and your boys are adorable!

  11. "Eat within a week"???!?!! Girl, that salsa would be gone within a half hour!!!!!!! I love fresh salsa! Sometimes I drink it. (Shhh! Don't tell anyone lest they think I'm crazy!) I feel you on having the picnic indoors when it's that doggone hot! We did the same thing a couple of weeks ago. I can't enjoy a meal when it's so hot that it's hard to breathe!!! I can't believe you guys have crossed the 100 mark already. Yikes! July and August are NOT going to be fun!!! We're already so dry here that the word "drought" is being tossed around quite freely. What a time for our sprinkler system to go on the fritz!!!! :-( They can't get to it until next week, so our grass is begging for mercy. I hate having to get out there with the hose and manual sprinkler, dragging it from place to place every 20 minutes. Ugh! :-( I hope hubby's Father's Day was a good one!!!


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